Years of Plenty in Egypt: the granaries filled by Joseph

Years of Plenty in Egypt: the granaries filled by Joseph

Genesis 41: 47-49

Years of Plenty in Egypt: threshing wheat; sacking the grain; the granaries filled by Joseph

47 And the fruitfulness of the seven years came: and the corn being bound up into sheaves, was gathered together into the barns of Egypt. 48 And all the abundance of grain was laid up in every city. 49 And there was so great abundance of wheat, that it was equal to the sand of the sea, and the plenty exceeded measure.

Beating wheat, sacking the grain

Beating wheat, sacking the grain

Carrying sacks of grain

Carrying sacks of grain

The granaries filled by Joseph

The granaries filled by Joseph

The granaries filled by Joseph (alternate view)

The granaries filled by Joseph (alternate view)