North portal 3

Column Figures

Saint Firmin Confessor

Feast Day: September 1  

The third bishop of Amiens form the early 4th century according to local hagiography.  Believed to have been the son of Senator Faustinus, he is said to have returned to Amiens after a visit to Rome and to have erected a church on the site of Saint Firmin Martyr's tomb at Abladana

Saint Domice:

Feast Day: October 23

The deacon who attended to Saint Ulphe's solitary spiritual life.  Saint Domice once played a major role in the life of the cathedral with his own chapel (later changed to Saint Eloi) and an annual procession on Palm Sunday when his châsse was carried to the nearby church of the Jacobins

Saint Sauve (Salvius)

Feast Day: October 29

Saint Sauve who was thought to have died in 615 followed Honoré as bishop.  He had been abbot at Montreuil-sur-Mer.  It was under his tenure as bishop that the relics of Firmin Martyr were found, as depicted in the tympanum above. 

Three Saints

Sometimes identified as Fuscien, Warlus and Luxor.  However, the relics of Warlus and Luxor were not in the cathedral and it is more probable that Fuscien is accompanied by his companions Victoric and Gentien, evangelists who came to the area in the 3rd c. and all executed.  Their relics were discovered during the tenure of Bishop Sauve, as depicted on the south transept portal.  The first figure carries a sword, appropriate for one who has found martyrdom.  It is a little puzzling to find the other figures carrying scrolls--they actually look more like prophets than martyrs.