Amiens Cathedral (Passages)

South choir aisles looking north west

Again, we sense the diagonal force of the central bays of the cathedral. Looking back, we can see the lateral screen or clôture closing off the liturgical choir. The brightly-painted, hyper-realistic sculpture enclosed in niche spaces crowned by a Late Gothic canopy tells the story of the arrival of Saint Firmin in Amiens, preaching and baptizing before his eventual arrest and execution. In the second bay we see the miracles associated with the discovery (invention) of the dead saint and the triumphal passage of his body (translation) back into the city. In the lowest part of the lateral screen to the west is the tomb effigy of Bishop Ferry de Beauvoir and to the east the tomb effigy of Dean Adrien de Hénencourt who commissioned the work which was executed between c1490 and c1520.