Tombs 2

Tomb of Bishop Geoffroy d'Eu, 1223-1236

d. 1236

Inscription: Ecce premunt humile Gaufridi menbra cubile seu [or sed]

minus aut simile nobis parat omnibus ille quem laurus gemina

decoraverat in medicina lege que divina decuerunt cornua bina clare vir

augensis quo sedes ambianensis crevit in immensis in celis auctus amen


See, Geoffrey's body lies on its humble bed: perhaps he is preparing a lesser or an equal one for us all.  He  who was adorned with the twin laurels of Medicine and Divine Law, the two ornaments that were appropriate for him.  The splendid man of Eu through whom the cathedral of Amiens rises up to the immense heavens.  Amen.

Geofroy d'Eu (1223-36) was from the diocese of Rouen,  He studied in Paris and was master of medicine and theology, In 1231he was  nominated by Pope Gregory IX as one of défenseurs apostoliques of the privileges of masters and students in Paris.

In 1218he became canon of Amiens cathedral.  He was also canon of S-Nicolas-au-Cloitre

As bishop of Amiens he reformed the structure of the religious communities of S-Jean-des-Prés and college of S-Vulfran of Abbeville in 1223; S-Nicolas of Amiens in 1227; S- Firmin Confessor of Amiens in 1228.  Augmented episcopal revenues and expedited construction of the new church of S-Firmin Confessor.  The cathedral nave was substantially completed under his tenure

Geoffroy d'Eu Feet

Geoffroy d'Eu Feet

Geoffroy d'Eu Head

Geoffroy d'Eu Head