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Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo
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Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo

Italy, Naples, San Lorenzo
This Franciscan church was the orderšs studium in Naples. It was built over an Early Christian basilica founded by Bishop John II, ("The Mediocre") which was donated to the Franciscans in the 1230s.

The earliest document we have for the Gothic structure is of 1284, the commutation of part of a fine imposed on the Rufolo family of Ravello for the construction of the new church. But it is clear that considerable Gothic construction had already occurred at the site, and it is not clear which part of the structure the document of 1284 refers to.

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