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France, Conques, Sainte-Foy | Tympanum

France, Conques (Ayeron), Sainte-Foy, Tympanum of west portal, ca. 1120-1135

France, Conques (Ayeron), Abbey church of Sainte-Foy, West portal, tympanum, Second quarter of the twelfth century

France, Conques (Ayeron), Abbey church of Sainte-Foy, West portal, Detail of the tympanum; Christ as the Judge of the World

France, Conques (Ayeron), Abbey church of Sainte-Foy, West portal, Details of the tympanum: the damned being pushed into the jaws of Hell

France, Conques, Sainte-Foy, Detail of the tympanum of the west door, 1120-1135
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