medieval architecture

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Related Images | France, Reims, Cathedral of Notre-Dame
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France, Reims, Cathedral, Façade.

France, Reims, Cathedral, west façade: begun c. 1250.

France, Reims, Cathedral, west façade portals.

France, Reims, Cathedral, West façade, South portal.

France, Reims, Cathedral, West façade, Central portal.

France, Reims, Cathedral, West façade, South-west portal.

France, Reims, Cathedral, General view of nave and choir from west end.

France, Reims, Cathedral, South elevation of nave from triforium of west end.

France, Reims, Cathedral, View of south transept triforium to north side of nave and west side of south transept.

France, Reims, Cathedral, inner wall of west façade.

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