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Early Architecture in Irreland & Romanesque Architecture in England


Select Bibliography

1. K. Hughes and A.Hamlin, The Modern Traveller to the Early Irish Church (London, 1977, new edition paperback 1997).
2. P. Harbison, The Golden Age of Irish Art, The Medieval Achievement 600-1200 (London, 1999)
3. R. Sharpe (ed), Adamnán of Iona, Life of Columba (Penguin pb, Harmondsworth, 1995).
4. H.G.Leask, Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, vol. 1 (Dundalk, 1955).
5. . R.A. Stalley, 'Ecclesiastical architecture before 1169', The New History of Ireland, volume I (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) typescript available
6. M. Herity, 'The layout of Irish early Christian monasteries' in Ireland und Europa, II, eds., P. Ni Chathain and M.Richter (Stuttgart, 1984), 105-116.
7. P. Harbison, 'How old is Gallarus Oratory ?' Medieval Archaeology, XIV (1970), 34-59.
8. P. Harbison, 'Early Irish Churches' in Ireland and Europa , I , ed. H.Lowe (Stuttgart, 1982), 618-29.
9. A. Hamlin, 'The Study of Early Irish Churches' in Ireland und Europa, II, ed. P. Ni Chathain and M.Richter (Stuttgart, 1984), 117-126.
10. M. Hare and A.Hamlin, 'The study of Early Church Architecture in Ireland: an Anglo-Saxon Viewpoint' in The Anglo- Saxon Church, ed., L.A.S. Butler and R.K.Morris (Council for British Archaeology, London, 1986), 131-145.
11. R.A. Stalley, Irish Round Towers (Dublin, 2000)

Extended Bibliography
General works on early medieval ad Irish monasticism

1. K. Hughes and A.Hamlin, The Modern Traveller to the Early Irish Church (London, 1977, new edition paperback 1997).
2. F. Henry, Irish Art in the Early Christian Period to A.D. 800 (London, 1965).
3. F. Henry, Irish Art during the Viking Invasions 800-1020 A.D (London, 1967).
4. P. Harbison, The Golden Age of Irish Art, The Medieval Achievement 600-1200 (London, 1999)
5. K. Hughes, 'The Early Irish Church' in The Irish World, ed. B. de Breffny (London, 1974), 47-70.
6. D.Ó. Corráin, 'Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland' in R.Foster, The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland (Oxford, 1989)
7. Lisa Bitel, Isle of the Saints, Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland (Cork, 1990, 1993).
8. J. Ryan, Irish Monasticism (Dublin, 1931).
9. L. Bieler, Ireland- Harbinger of the Middle Ages (London, 1966).
10. R. Sharpe (ed), Adamnán of Iona, Life of Columba (Penguin pb, Harmondsworth, 1995).

Architecture and Sites

11. G. Petrie, The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland anterior to the Norman invasion (Dublin, 1845).
12. A.C. Champneys, Irish Ecclesiastical Architecture (London, 1910)
13. H.G. Leask, Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, vol. 1 (Dundalk, 1955).
14. R.A. Stalley, 'Ecclesiastical architecture before 1169', The New History of Ireland, volume I (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
15. E.R. Norman and J.K. St Joseph, The Early Development of Irish Society (Cambridge, 1969.
16. F. Henry, 'Early Monasteries, Beehive Huts and Dry Stone Houses in the neighbourhood of Caherciveen and Waterville (Co. Kerry)', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 58C (1957), 45-166 (especially 146-66).
17. M.J. O'Kelly, 'Church Island near Valencia, Co. Kerry', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 59C (1958), 57-136
18. P. Harbison, 'How old is Gallarus Oratory ?' Medieval Archaeology, XIV (1970), 34-59.
19. W. Horn, J. White Marshall and G.Rourke, The forgotton hermitage of Skellig Michael (Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford, 1990)
20. R. Berger, 'Radiocarbon dating of early medieval Irish monuments', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 95C (1995), 159-74
21. P. Harbison, 'Early Irish Churches' in Ireland and Europa , I , ed. H.Lowe (Stuttgart, 1982), 618-29.
22. . C.A. Ralegh Radford, 'The Earliest Irish Churches', Ulster Journal of Archaeology, XL (1977), 1-11.


. S. Connolly and J.M. Picaud, 'Cogitosus's Life of St Brigid', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 117 (1987), 5-27 (for the design of the church at Kildare).
24. A. Hamlin, 'The Study of Early Irish Churches' in Ireland und Europa, II, ed. P. Ni Chathain and M.Richter (Stuttgart, 1984), 117-126.
25. M. Hare and A. Hamlin, 'The study of Early Church Architecture in Ireland: an Anglo-Saxon Viewpoint' in The Anglo- Saxon Church, ed., L.A.S. Butler and R.K.Morris (Council for British Archaeology, London, 1986), 131-145.
26. . A. Hamlin, 'The Archaeology of the Irish Church in the Eighth Century', Peritia, 4 (1985), 279-99.
27. M. Herity, 'The layout of Irish early Christian monasteries' in Ireland und Europa, II, eds., P. Ni Chathain and M.Richter (Stuttgart, 1984), 105-116.
28. H. Murray. 'Documentary evidence for domestic buildings in Ireland c. 400-1200 in the light of archaeology', Medieval Archaeology, XXIII (1979), 81-97.
29. C. Manning, 'Clonmacnois cathedral - the oldest church in Ireland', Archaeology Ireland, 34 (1995), 30-3.
30. . L. Barrow, The Round Towers of Ireland (Dublin, 1979).
31. . B. Lalor, The Irish Round Tower (Wilton, Cork, 1999)
32. R.A. Stalley, 'Sex, Symbol and Myth, some observations on the Irish round towers' in From Ireland Coming, ed C.Hourihane, forthcoming.
33. R.A. Stalley, Irish Round Towers (Dublin, 2000)
34. . L. de Paor, 'Cormac's Chapel, the beginings of Irish Romanesque' in North Munster Studies, essays in commemoration of Monsignor Michael Moloney (Limerick, 1967), 133-45
35. R.A. Stalley. 'Three Irish Buildings with west country origins', Medieval Art and Architecture at Wells and Glastonbury, eds., N.Coldstream and P.Draper (London, 1981), 62-80
36. T. O'Keefe, 'Lismore and Cashel: reflections on the beginnings of Romanesque architecture in Munster', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 124 (1994), 118-52
37. . R.A. Stalley, The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland (London and New Haven, 1987)

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