In the preparation of a wall for fresco, the second coat of plaster,
over the roughcast and under the intonaco.
Cartoon: Full-size preparatory drawings made for the purpose
of transferring a design to the working surface of a painting. View
the cartoon for The School of Athens.
Fresco: Mural painting technique in which permanent limeproof
pigments, dispersed in water, are painted on freshly laid lime plaster.
Giornata: Area of a fresco that is executed within the course
of a single day (from the Italian word "giorno" meaning "day").
Intonaco: In fresco, the final coat of plaster on which the
painter actually works, while it is still wet.
Pouncing: The technique of copying a drawing by pricking holes
in the outlines and using fine chalk or graphite powder to transfer
the outline of the drawing to a surface beneath.
Secco: Technique of painting a mural on dried lime plaster
or retouching a fresco after it has hardened.
Sinopia: Underdrawings for fresco paintings made with the red
earth pigment sinopia, which is brushed on the arriccio layer and
over which the intonaco is applied before painting.