Bishop Evrard de Fouilloy

Bishop Evrard de Fouilloy (d. 1222)

Qui populum pavit: qui fundamenta locavit huius structure

Cuius fuit urbs data cure.  Hic redolens nardus; fama requiescit Ewardus, vir pius.

Afflictis viduis, tutela relictis, custos quos poterat recreabit munere verbis

Mitibus agnus erat, tumidis leo lima superbis

He who provided for the people, who laid the foundations of this edifice, o whose care the city was entrusted; here lies Evrardus, whose good repute was as sweet as balsam; a man who was good to oppressed widows, the guardian and defender of orphans whom he used to protect, who brough encouragement everywhere through word and deed, to the meek he was a lamb, to the self-important, a lion, to the proud, a sword.

Below: tomb of Bishop Geoffroy d'Eud (d. 1236)

Ecce premunt humile Gaufridus membra cubile seu minus aut simile nobis parat omnibus ille quem laurus gemina decoraverat.

In medicina legeque divina decuerunt cornua bina.  Clare vir augenses quo sedes Ambianensis crevit in immensis in celis auctus amen sis

See, Geoffrey's body lies on its humble bed: perhaps he is preparing a lesser or an equal one for us all.  He  who was adorned with the twin laurels of Medicine and Divine Law, the two ornaments that were appropriate for him.  The splendid man of Eu through whom the cathedral of Amiens rises up to the immense heavens.  Amen.

Bishop Geoffroy d'Eu (d.1236)

Evrard de Fouilloy Feet

Evrard de Fouilloy Feet

Evrard de Fouilloy Head

Evrard de Fouilloy Head

Geoffroy d'Eu Feet

Geoffroy d'Eu Feet

Geoffroy d'Eu Head

Geoffroy d'Eu Head