North Portal 5

Column Figures

Saint Ulphe
Feast Days: Jan 31 and Oct 23
Wanting a marriage with none other than Jesus, Ulphe fled her family house and her suitors to follow a solitary life in a swampy area outside Amiens.  A local legend recounts the story of the silencing of noisy frogs who kept her awake at night.   Her cult was propagated in the new Gothic cathedral by Bishop Arnoul de la Pierre (d. 1247) who probably founded the chapel for her in the ancillary structure to the north of the choir.  The figure, with its contrapposto stance and crinkled drapery in the Antique Revival mode may have been originally intended for the right hand portal as the Virgin Mary of the Annunciation.

Saints Ache and Acheul  
Feast Day: May 1
The miraculous images of these little-known saints resonate with the image of the famous Saint Denis--holding their heads, they are cephalophores.  Almost nothing is known of Ache and Acheul: local legend maintained that they were amongst the early (3rd c) missionaries of the area martyred and buried at Abladana, now S-Acheul close to the tomb of Saint Firmin Martyr.

Saint Honoratus (Honoré)
Feast Day: May 16  
One of three generic bishop-types, this figure is thought to represent Honoré (d c.600) seventh bishop of Amiens.  Honoré originally resisted his vocation of bishop: his reluctance was overcome by a miraculous consecration resulting from an effusion of oil.  Many miracles followed, some of which are depicted on the tympanum of the south portal.   Most significant was the miraculous discovery (invention) of the lost relics of Saints Fusicen, Victoric and Gentien.