Life and Career of Fredrick Paul Keppel
Frederick Paul Keppel is born in Staten Island New York, the first child of Frederick Keppel (1844-1912) and Frances Matilda Keppel (1854-1941).
FPK’s lifelong fascination with prints begins while working at his father’s print dealership, Frederick Keppel & Co (established 1868). The dealership specialized in both contemporary and Old Master’s prints, including Nanteuil.
FPK graduates with a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University.
Frederick Keppel & Co. holds a solo exhibition of Nanteuil’s engravings.
FPK is the Dean of Columbia College.
FPK’s younger brother, David Keppel, takes charge of Frederick Keppel & Co after the death of their father.
FPK begins to collect Nanteuil. He purchases some prints in Paris following his appointment as the Third Assistant Secretary of War during World War One, as well as during his tenure as the Director of Foreign Operations for the American Red Cross following the end of the War.
FPK is President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
American artist Leopold Seyffert (1887-1956) paints the portrait of FPK.
1920s & 1930s
Keppel buys a significant number of Nanteuil prints from prominent dealers in the US and abroad, including M. Knoedler & Co. in New York, Goodspeed's Bookshop in Boston, and Paul Prouté in Paris.
By the end of FPK’s time at the Carnegie Corporation, a total of forty-two Nanteuil prints were displayed throughout the enterprise’s offices, indicating the personal significance of these prints to Keppel. FPK passes away this year in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the age of 67.
The Columbia Daily Spectator reports in its November 3rd issue that Mrs. Frederick P. Keppel (1880-1961) donated to Columbia a large collection of prints by Robert Nanteuil. The article indicates that the gift included a portrait of the architect Antoine Le Paultre drawn by Nanteuil; however, no such drawing has been located in the Columbia collection, though the artist did engrave Le Paultre’s portrait (Columbia owns some impressions).